I guess I've finally reached that age where it's appropriate for my friends to throw parties featuring our own childhood as the ironic theme. Fine by me, as long as I get to snarf the forbidden fruits of the 80's. I'm talking about anything in a Hostess wrapper. My mom is a second generation Italian (read: excellent cook) and first generation hippie. The only fruit roll ups in our house were those hard core brown leather-like deals from the health food store. A Tiger Milk bar was a big treat and sugar cereals were NOT ALLOWED. So whenever I'm faced with a buffet table strewn with nerds, gummy worms, hostess cupcakes and cheese n cracker snak paks my heart skips a beat.
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I could eat Hostess Cupcakes or Fruit pies(cherry) all day long but haven't in years! Thanks for the memories, and great concept for a bday party:)